Different affiliate marketing
The compensation model of an affiliate marketing is an important attribute. This can affect which advertisers you decide to join and how you promote them. It will certainly affect how much money you make. The various compensation models used by affiliate advertisers are broken down. Publisher gets $money from advertiser for all 1000 ad prints. The ad can be text, rich media, but the publicity is mostly a banner on the top or side of a website. Check here : https://bluereviews.net/ Advertiser pays publisher $ in cash every time a visitor potential prospect clicks on an advertiser's ad; how often an ad is displaying is irrelevant for the compensation. It is only due to the Commission when the ad is clicked. Google AdWords, Miva and other providers use the PPC model. These are the ads that run alongside search results and many web pages. Cost-by-lead (CPL). Advertiser pays the publisher $ in commission for each visitor that the publisher has referred to the ad and carries out ...