Striped Hyena

Hyenas have the ability to hear sounds that human ears are unable to detect, and they use this ability to listen for sounds from other predators that may lead them to a kill that is hundreds of miles away. Aside from that, they have a built-in communication mechanism in the form of an anal smell gland that marks territory. Each hyena leaves a distinct scent in its wake. 

After around a week, they open their eyes for the first time, and at two weeks, they begin to walk and grow their first teeth. Striped hyena mothers are devoted to their young, nursing them for an entire year. Children are looked for by the entire family group, which may include previous offspring as well as a couple of responsible adults. They are ready to meet the rest of the world when they are about two weeks old. They nurse for a period of more than a year.

Striped hyenas are the subject of several myths, tales, and superstitions. However, despite the fact that they are kept as loyal and trustworthy pets, according to one story, they devour children. According to legend, hyenas are grave robbers, and the practice of erecting tombstones on graves in the Near East developed as a means of preventing hyenas from digging up bodies and transporting them. Aside from cosmetic purposes, some cultures think that the tongue and fat of hyenas have therapeutic powers, and others believe that the hyena's feces is a natural face powder. In certain cultures, the heart of a striped hyena is eaten to provide courage, while the whiskers are kept as charms. The hyena's reputation as a creature that is disagreeable, unpleasant, or even malevolent has made its way into popular culture as a result of this association.

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