Get PNG file from SVG SKUNK

PNG is suitable for true-color images that cannot be compressed with JPEG. Using raytraced images is one example. PNG is ideal for web designers as it allows for transparent backgrounds. Using.png files allows you to easily position images over photos, color patterns, or other color backdrops. 

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PNGs are smaller and load faster than GIFs or RGB TIFFs. True-color RGB TIFF files are typically 40% bigger than indexed color GIF files. Also, PNGs use complex interlacing algorithms, allowing you to preview 1/64th of the data. Interlaced GIFs require 8 times more picture data to load a preview. PNG is a raster graphics file format for lossless image compression. PNG offers all true colors and is commonly used for web image sharing. PNG does not support the CMYK color system. PNG file is saved as PNG or png. The PNG image format is used to download web pictures, send digital photos via email, and save screenshots. Graphic designers prefer PNG files for web graphics with transparent backgrounds. Portable Network Graphics (PNG) PNG is an image format like JPEG, GIF, and TIFF. PNG is typically pronounced P-N-G, but some call it ping. PNG images with alpha channel support can be transparent, which is not possible with other formats. Unlike the current GIF format which only supports 256 colors. It uses lossless picture compression, thus no data is lost and the image quality is maintained. You can add text to the PNG file. Using these keywords, a search engine may simply discover the relevant image.

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