Hallux Valgus Surgery

Hallux Valgus or Bunions are joint protrusions of the foot that typically occur at the base of the great toe or the base of the fifth toe also known as a tailor's bunion. Bunions can also grow at the base of the fifth toe. The majority of the time, these pressure sites are brought on by misalignments in the bones, which leads to incorrect joint posture. When the joints are misaligned, the great toe will typically bend in the direction of the second toe (a condition known as hallux valgus), and the fifth toe may bend in the direction of the fourth toe. When the expanded joints press on the shoe or when the toes rub against one another, painful pressure points can be formed in either location. When this happens, the nerves in the foot can become compressed, which can cause severe foot pain and, in rare cases, numbness. In addition, improper alignment of the joints can cause the joint itself to become inflamed, which can hasten the onset of arthritis in certain joints, particularly the joint in the great toe.

If you do nothing to address your bunion, the pain will likely get worse over time, and you may even develop permanent arthritic problems. In addition, various painful foot diseases might arise as a secondary consequence of having a bunion as a result of the structural changes that occur within the foot and the changed motion that results from the bunion. 

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